3D Topographic Maps from MLS point cloud
The project area is 1200 linear kms, to be completed within 4 months. A team of 30 Mobile Mapping experts working round the clock to ensure delivery of accurate, uniform and complete data. Project estimated more than 25,000 man hours.
A list of features with more than 60 different categories has to be used.
Input Data – MLS point cloud
It was required to submit a 3D Topographic Mapping (vectorized from the 3D point cloud) with all existing objects above the ground, vectorized from 3D point clouds. All entities visible within the project boundary from the 3D point cloud must be represented in the drawing.
All the Mapping is being done with our in-house developed tool for simplified vectorization and categorization. The tools and functions are customized for this project to best meet the user requirement.
Mapping was highly detailed to allow the preparation of survey plans showing
Existing buildings with their uses identified,
Roads, footways, un-surfaced tracks,
Curbs, street furniture, Light poles
Areas of landscaping, Gardens, Trees
Points of access to properties and their threshold levels,
Manholes and chambers identified by service and cover levels like water, sewage, drainage, electrical, telecom etc.
Building Boundary walls, fences, construction areas
Overhead service lines including their poles or towers,
Water channels, catchment areas associated with the existing natural surface water drainage system and escarpments.
Spot levels indicated on cross-sections at intervals of not more than 20m. On side roads and tracks, Centre-line spot levels are to be indicated at 20m intervals.
Cross-section observations within the road corridor, not more than 20 m intervals.
Output Data - .dwg file of the 3D vectorized data