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Class Name | Description |
CABLEWAY | A system for moving people or bulk materials in which suspended cars, buckets, etc, run on cables that extend between terminal towers. |
Other Wire and Structures | Without reference wire |
BRIDGE CONDUCTORS | study wire insulator |
MISC OBJECTS Car Etc | Moving Object |
STRUCTURE OF STUDY LINE | Study Powrline pole |
STUDY LINE CONDUCTORS | Study Powrline wire |
0KV MAIN WIRE | 0KV wire for study wire |
CROSSING STRUCTURE | Pole for crossing wire |
CROSSING CONDUCTOR | crossing wire |
ANCHORAGE POINTS(Con & Bridge) | attachment point on study wire and pole. |
NON ACCESIBLE BUIILDINGS | Fences, walls, traffic signs, signs of pre-signposting of motorway exits and highways, plastic covers of greenhouses, guardrails. |
ACCESIBLE BUIILDINGS | Accesible building: Roofs, roofs of buildings, staffs and columns of street lighting (lampposts), lighting projectors that are located in football fields, tennis / paddle courts and roundabouts |
LOW POINTS | All type of error points |
WATER | water features if any |
RAIL | Railway Features |
Unclassified | Untouched points |
GROUND | Ground points |
LOW VEGETATION | low vegetaion |
MEDIUM VEGETATION | medium vegetation |
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