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Stormwater network model from as-built PDFs
Stormwater network model from as-built PDFs
Mobile Mapping
Stormwater network model from as-built PDFs

A City in Maryland, USA,  required to develop a spatial GIS database for the storm water infrastructure within the City.


Storm drain information had to be extracted from plans and entered into the GIS. There were approximately 900 as-built pdfs which contain stormwater features to be digitized.

Digitize Stormwater Features Stormwater features were digitized from the provided as-builts and imagery. Features to be included are storm drain pipes (plan view), roadside swales, manholes, inlets, outfalls, etc. The attributes included pipe diameter, pipe material, rim elevation, invert elevations. Data capture also included a reference field with the name and year of the as-built used to create features.

A job of more than 2000-man hours, it was executed successfully ensuring accuracy, uniformity, completeness and timeliness

Stormwater Feature
Geography Type
Diameter, Material, Device Type, Enabled, Active Flag, Owned By, Maintained By, Map Reference, Year, Location Description, Source Type
Active Flag, Owned By, Maintained By, Invert Elevation, Outflow Elevation, Map Reference, Location Description, Year, Source Type
Discharge Type, Diameter, Map Reference, Location Description, Year, Source Type
Fitting Type, Enabled, Active Flag, Owned By, Maintained By, Diameter, Map Reference, Location Description, Year, Source Type
Material, Diameter, Pipe Type, Upstream Elevation, Downstream Elevation, Slope, From MH, To MH, Enabled, Active Flag, Owned By, Maintained By, Map Reference, Location Description, Year, Source Type
Inlet Type, Access Diameter, Invert Elevation, Map Reference, Location Description, Year, Source Type
High Pipe Elevation, Invert Elevation, Invert, Rim Elevation, Manhole Type, Location Description, Enabled, Active Flag, Owned By, Maintained By, Map Reference, Source Type
Enabled, Active Flag, Map Reference, Location Description, Year, Source Type
Active Flag, Owned By, Maintained By, Map Reference, Location Description, Year, Source Type
Details, Comment, Client Response, Resolved


A-13, Damodar Colony,
Garh Road, Meerut, 250004

+91 9837008018

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  • GIS solutions, GIS mapping services, GIS mapping companies in India, GIS data conversion,
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